Saturday, December 13, 2014

Of all the things to have to buy new

(NB: Not posting in present time yet, this was written a couple weeks ago.) I went to put on my boots and the offspring had taken one of my shoelaces. We had just had a major storm that trapped us in our house for 5 days (driving ban plus impassable roads and 5’ of snow in the driveway). I needed to wear my boots and the thrift stores weren’t even reopened yet. Plus, I’d likely have to buy an entire pair of shoes just for the laces. I didn’t have any viable string or even leather I could cut into strips to make shoelaces. Not able to wait or wanting to waste time or gas money, I purchased new shoelaces plus some silicone waterproofing spray for our boots and metal shovels while I was at Target picking up groceries. While I’m on the subject of winterwear, let me rant about Some of the items on this site sell for ridiculously high prices. I’m happy the money goes to a good cause! I mean, $133 for a used rabbit fur jacket? It probably sold for less than that new (granted, inflation would alter that equation). Still, a good site for going used for the sake of recycling/charity, but not so good for going used and saving money. I’m as much about saving money as I am about saving the environment

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