Saturday, October 17, 2015

The plot turns: got my clay soil rototilled and actually found some real dirt.

When I put a shovel in my plot, I found about a 1/2" of soil over solid grey clay. I knew that digging that myself would likely kill me. I wasn't even sure that rototilling could turn the land into anything close to arable, but knew that was the only route remotely possible. It would cost $45 to rent a machine and I have no easy way to transport it, so I was thrilled to find a guy on craigslist willing to rototill for $65. He had to do several passes to get it to look like dirt. He was surprised it came out this good considering all the clay. So was I. Now, I just have to get topsoil/compost delivered. The company I called wasn't sure they'd be able to do it before closing up for the winter. I'd really, really like to have it done in the fall rather than the spring. We'll see. They are supposed to call me.

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