Friday, April 17, 2015

Worried my "not new" soup may have been too not new.

Growing old sucks. My faltering memory costs me plenty of time, trouble and money. Tonight I had a bowl of homemade soup that I took out the freezer a few days ago. Except, now I'm beginning to think I took it out a week plus a few days ago (time flies). It was a single serving size, so I'm the only one that will suffer if there's suffering to be had. Fortunately, I heated it super hot. Can't wait to see where my memory fails me next (not).


  1. Oh yeah... been there, done that. My latest stroke of genius is that I keep finding eggs on sale at the grocery store, but I keep forgetting that I already have a fridge full of eggs. Seriously, I think there's like 6 dozen eggs in there! I've already made quiche, and deviled eggs, and just about everything else I can think to do with them. I have heard that you can freeze them (the innards anyhow, not in the shells) and that they'll still work as scrambled eggs or in baking.

    Hope you don't end up getting sick! You'd think it would have smelled bad if it had really gone off though...

  2. Not sick now, so assuming I am going to be okay. Didn't smell or look bad. Can your cats eat eggs? (Never had cats, so I don't know what they eat except for tuna.) My feral cat disappeared. I'm guessing she was only hanging around the garage during the bitter cold and went back to the wild when the nights started getting warmer.

    1. Hmmm... feeding eggs to cats - that's one I hadn't considered. Actually, it's not a good idea to feed cats people food unless you give them a bunch of specific supplements, because if they don't get the right amino acids they can develop heart disease. But eggs for a treat now and then wouldn't hurt.

      Not sure if it's good news or bad news that the cat moved on. Perhaps it wasn't quite so desperate as it seemed. :-)
