Monday, January 19, 2015

Organization is a key skill for going "not new"...unfortunately, I'm lacking.

Haven't had to buy much lately. (I did purchase a first I'll be giving that's "not new," but I haven't given it yet, so info will have to wait for another post.) I did decide to keep the $25 Chefman blender as I've been to several other sales and thirft stores and haven't found what I wanted, plus, I happened to wander into Ollie's again and they don't have any more available, so that sealed the deal.
My problem now is trying to organize stuff I feel I should keep on hand. For instance, I have a broken phone charger for my car. The wire on that thing could make a handy tie for a is strong, yet the rubber coating would protect the plant. But, how am I going to keep things from getting crazy if I start holding onto stupid little things like that? Sigh. I saved it because I felt I had a good place for it, but I am worried about becoming a pack rat (I already have those tendencies).


  1. I am terrible about saving stuff because "it might be useful" and I have found there is a very fine line between thrifty and packrat (this year for sure I'll tackle the garage!) The thing is, I do occasionally find use for some of the junk I've been hanging onto, and this random schedule of rewards only makes it harder to let go of junk! My current struggle is with cardboard boxes - they just seem too darned useful to put in the recycling. But things were really getting out of hand, so I forced myself to go through the pile and allowed myself to keep only a few - which I collapsed and put away. Oy!

  2. I have lately begun throwing things out, recycling and donating. Mostly it's worked well -- but there is about 20 percent of the time I find I needed the thing I got rid of. The challenge is not to let that reinforce pack-ratting. It's hard!
