Tuesday, May 5, 2015

One of the neighbors might be upset about my veggie garden.

Not really sure what to do. I've put an awful lot of sweat and manhours into getting my garden set up, but the dirt still hasn't arrived. Today a neighbor told me another neighbor seemed upset by it. I was planning to screen it from view as much as possible, but the plantings will only hide it from about JUne-Oct. I called the town and there are no regulations against having a veggie garden in your front yard, raised or not. I also checked before planning the garden and their are no regulations against a greenhouse either. In fact, they specifically state this is a "pro agriculture" community and greenhouses of any kind are allowed as long as they adhere to setback rules, which mine will. It will only be a temporary, hoop-style greenhouse up for the cool months (March-May and Oct-Nov...unless we get more 7' snowstorms in NOv., in which case I will have to take it down early). What would you do...continue with the garden or take it out? I'm going to try to make it look as nice as possible, but veggie gardens do get raggedy late in the summer. I will be sharing my harvest as much as possible.


  1. I adore front yard veggies gardens- make food, no lawns! I hope it's super successful for you :)

    1. I am compromising...keeping the garden, but not doing it as a raised bed. Probably won't be too successful this year as I'm mostly working on killing the grass with a sheet of black plastic and not going to till until next year. Hoping with a lot of compost, the veggies will at least hold their own.
