Monday, May 18, 2015

Talked to the Town Building INspector's office about my "structure."

My temporary hoop house is in a murky, grey area of the building code. Very difficult to define what a structure is and what temporary means. I could see that the Town would rather not have to deal with it. I was going to take the hoop house down by the first week in June anyway, but I I was thinking I may want to put it up again for a few weeks in the Fall or for even a couple months in the Spring. I did find out who complained (it's a matter of public record). Unfortunately not someone I really know (a few houses down and across the street), so it might be kind of awkward to just go over there and talk about compromise. I don't want them to feel uncomfortable that I know they complained. However, I think once they see things starting to look nicer with the plantings establishing, they won't be bothered...they really aren't that close that they have to look at it. This did give me pause to think about less offensive options and it occurred to me that I can build a Spring greenhouse in the backyard...there won't be leaves on the trees then, so there should be plentiful sun through just bare branches. It will be a lot more work moving plants to the front plot in June, but if it keeps the neighbors happy, well worth the effort I suppose. Hopefully no one will get upset if I put it up for a few weeks in the Fall (the way our Winters have been arriving early, I'll be lucky to use it in the Fall...we got 7' of snow this past Nov.)

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