Wednesday, February 4, 2015

"Not new" take out containers.

This is not an original idea. Mother Earth News suggested bringing your own take out containers to the restaurant. What a brilliant idea! "Reduce/reuse" is always better than "recycle." Those styrofoam containers are leaky and take up too much room in the fridge. I'm going to put some Tupperware-type containers in the car now so I'll have them the next time we eat out. As I also learned from the article, plastics are not that cost effective to recycle, so best to try to avoid using disposable plastics. Wonder if the deli people would pack stuff in a bring-your-own container? All they'd have to do is zero out their scale before weighing. (Could be health concerns, I suppose.) Good news is, most other stuff (glass, paper, metal) is recycled at a considerable cost/energy/waste savings over making new.

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