Sunday, March 8, 2015

Gaaah! My lack of math skills cost me at the estate sale.

The offspring has always wanted to airbrush paintings and t-shirts. Airbrushes and compressors are pricey, but their popularity is waning quickly. When I saw the estate sale I was at had two air compressors, I felt I'd be safe waiting for the second day of the sale, when things would go half price. That also gave me a chance to research the choices, so I knew exactly what I wanted when I went back.

Both compressors and all the accessories were still there the second day, so I picked up what I wanted and asked if they would take $100 for the lot, which they did. But. I had added incorrectly! I ended up just getting the box of jars for "free"...which I thought they should have thrown in no matter what. I wanted to knock another 20% off the 1/2 off cost since that's what I figured was fair price for equipment that was not in demand, and may or may not last very long. But, I added wrong in my head. I hate me!

Worse yet, there was a third day of the sale when things were 75% off! Gaaaahhh! I paid sooo much more than I should have. Still not sure if the third day was added on at the last minute or if I somehow messed up and didn't notice there was going to be a third day. I'm not going to look it up. I couldn't stand to know if it was me messing up. On the bright side, the offspring is thrilled to have some airbrushing equipment.

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