Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Get "not new" flower bulbs at your local botanical garden (cheap!).

Depending where you live, any week now Spring flowers will start (or finish) blooming. And when those tulips, daffodils, hyacinths, etc. are done blooming, your local botanical garden (if you are lucky enough to have one, and most larger cities do) will dig up those spent bulbs and sell them for next to nothing. Here in Buffalo, NY, the sale occurs on April 24th starting at 9 am (but lines will start forming closer to 7 am). The bulbs will sell for $10 for a huge shopping bag full. I believe there is a limit of 3 bags per person. By noon, everything will be gone. It's a great way to get really good bulbs at dirt cheap prices...especially if you have a large area to fill. Check out your local botanical garden's bulb sale...and if they don't have one, ask them why not.

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